Stoneheart Unit Abilities dramatically improve your chances in both offensive and defensive battles. Each Stoneheart Unit has two Abilities - one for offensive and one for defensive engagements - although each Ability has specified battle types in which it can be activated. Read the Unit Ability description (by tapping on the Unit) to find out more.
The probability of a Stoneheart Unit Ability affecting the battle depends on its Activation Chance. The higher the Activation Chance, the more likely it is that the Ability will be activated. In general, the higher the number of the Stoneheart Unit type you send, the more likely that the Unit’s Ability will be activated.
Activation Chance may change when you send different types of Stoneheart Units to a single location. Simply try some combinations of Units to find the selection that’s best for you.
If an Ability is activated, it will apply to all Units in the battle, not just the Stoneheart Units. You can increase the probability of an Ability being activated by upgrading the relevant “Activation Chance” Stoneheart Mastery at the House of Scrolls.
Please note that Abilities cannot be activated in Stoneheart Trials and Stoneheart Saga Trials.
Here is a summary of the Stoneheart Abilities available to you. Naturally, these bonuses will only affect the battle when the Ability is activated.
Offensive Abilities
1. Movement Invisibility (Valkyra, Offense). Units sent to enemies will be hidden for the first part of their journey.
2. Rapid Movement (Cavalier, Offense). your army will move at the Speed indicated by the Ability's Mastery.
3. Catacomb Raid (Sorcerer, Offense). You will be able to take Resources from enemy Catacombs.
4. Enemy Def. Bonus Decrease (Drake, Offense). Your enemy's Castle or Beacon Defense Bonus will decrease by a certain percentage.
Defensive Abilities
1. Defense Bonus Increase (Valkyra, Defense). Your Castle or Beacon Defense Bonus will increase by a certain percentage.
2. Fireball Shield (Cavalier, Defense). You will lose fewer Units when you are attacked with Fireballs.
3. Army Cloaking (Sorcerer, Defense). A percentage of your army will be hidden in enemy Spying Reports.
4. Free Infirmary Rate (Drake, Defense). A percentage of Units that are killed outside your Castle will be sent to the Free Infirmary.