Frequently Asked Questions
Why I can't train more Units? My Training Queue has not reached its limit.
The situation may occur when you activate any of the Dragon Arts that influence Unit Training Speed. The indicated ma...
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Bonuses for reaching new Paragon Levels
If it is not already activated, your Paragon Status will be activated automatically for 24 hours when you reach a new...
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How do Food Consumption Reduction items work?
There are various ways of reducing Food Consumption without reducing the amount of Units you maintain. This can be ac...
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How do I maximize my Rewards at Battlegrounds?
The following tips will help you to get the most out of Battlegrounds:Explore the Quests Menu from the Eagle's NestIn...
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How do Battlegrounds work?
Battlegrounds are one of the most exciting elements of the game, allowing you to earn valuable Units, Hero Equipment,...
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My Castle Skin disappeared! Why?
It is possible that you have disabled your Castle Skin accidentally. You can take the following steps to retrieve it ...
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How do I earn Points during Dragon Tournaments?
In Dragon Tournaments, you earn Tournament Points by upgrading Dragon Arts and fighting Monsters at the Dragon Stone....
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Our League downgraded an enemy League Fortress but we still can't upgrade our own. Why?
This is most probably because you downgraded the rival Fortress at the incorrect time. For downgrades of other Fortre...
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I was banned from the League Chat. Why?
Your League Chat is moderated by the League Marshal and/or certain authorized League Members. Bans are issued at thei...
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I reached the Top 10, but I still cannot build the Emperor Arwing statue. Why?
You need to have featured in the Weekly Rankings AND to have stayed in the Top 10 until the end of the week in order ...
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I collected Resources from a Hamlet, but I did not receive my Reward from the Quest. Why?
If this occurs, please check which type of Resources you have collected from the Hamlet. You need to collect a specif...
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Why did I receive no Resources from my last Raid?
You will receive zero Resources from successful Raids in only two cases:- You have zero Raid Attempts remaining- You ...
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Why did I not receive any Points for the Battleground Tournament?
You can only receive Battleground Tournament Points for Battlegrounds conquered during an active Battleground Tournam...
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My Sapphires disappeared for no reason. Why did this happen?
Sometimes players purchase items with Sapphires by accident. The most common accidental purchases are as follows:- If...
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Why haven't I received my Reward for the League Quest?
League Quests are an essential part of the game. The purpose of these Quests is to reward players for their teamwork ...
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Why haven't I received a Tournament Reward?
You will not receive a Tournament reward in the following cases:1. You didn't manage to earn the minimum required amo...
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Why has my reward for the Multiplier Tournament not been multiplied?
When you complete a Tournament, you will see your Reward in a pop up window. In the case of Multiplier Tournaments, t...
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Why did I suffer such massive losses in Battle?
The outcome of any Battle is determined by the overall Defensive / Offensive strength on either side of the conflict....
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Daily Loyalty Roll Rewards
All bonuses for the Daily Loyalty Roll are credited to your account automatically. This will occur the first time you...
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I received Units as a Reward for Quests, League Quests, and Tournaments. Where did they go?
Units received as a Reward for Quests and Tournaments are sent directly to the Catacombs. This occurs as soon as the ...
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I dispatched Units to attack another Lord or Lady, but they returned without doing battle. What happened?
Your Units will return to your Catacombs without attacking a hostile Castle or Hamlet in the following cases:1. Your ...
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My Units did not attack/capture/spy on the Hamlet. Why did this happen?
Any Units you send to a Hamlet will be returned to your Catacombs if any of the following situations occur while they...
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Where are the Units that I dispatched to the Hamlet?
As soon as your Offensive Units have captured a Hamlet, they will return to your Castle and be sent directly to the C...
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According to the League Hall Statistics, some of my Units are missing. What happened?
You can check the Defensive and Offensive power of your army – and the power of the Lords and Ladies in your League –...
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How can I find my missing Units?
If you notice that you do not have as many Units as you thought, or if Units are not where you thought they were, you...
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How do I earn Aether points to collect special Trunks of Power ?
This is a special time-limited Event, throughout which you will receive Aether points for each purchase you make. Wha...
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