Why my Bag was deleted after the death at the location?
When a location refreshes, all the mobs, materials, and the character's items (including your Bag, Satchel, weapons, materials, etc) get erased.
If your character dies before the refresh, you can see the pop-up with two options: Respawn for free and Revive with Sapphires. If you select Respawn for free, you leave the location and all your belongings are deleted. If you select Revive with Sapphires, you will appear at the same location with all your items.
If you don’t have enough Sapphires to revive your character, you can purchase them in the game Bank.
N.B. If you close the game and delete it from the list of the active applications before you click on the Revive button, the location will immediately refresh and your items will disappear.
If you click the Respawn button, you leave the location and it refreshes immediately. At that, your items will be deleted and you won’t see any icon of the gravestone over the location.